A new , bigger culvert has been constructed under the road
outside the front of the house so hopefully we will not be flooded again. They
are tarmacing on Monday, this will take a week and the road should be re-opened
after that. It's been over three months now since they started work and
although it was a bit of a novelty at first it wore of a month or so ago.
The caravan has been sold, it being a bottomless pit down
which we threw money. Also, I am beginning to find lengthy driving spells a
mite uncomfortable with my dodgy back. We will both miss our frequent - and
sometimes lengthy stays - in beautiful Dorset but things move on and we now
find we have the option of exploring other destinations albeit in short hops.
The last place we visited a few weeks back was Lincoln and we both
enjoyed the splendid cathedral. A cobbled street nearby leading to the city
centre was named "Steep Hill". We both had a case of "laughing
knees" walking down the hill and no, we did not walk back up, we got the
I have added another nice steam model to my collection. I
never had a part in making this, I just bought it because I liked it. It is a
seven cylinder radial engine and is fully working. It stands around 24cm high
and is very handsome.
It works very briefly here: