Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Newton Blossomville spring 2014

We have had our fair share of heavy rains round here just lately so it was nice to get out on a lovely warm late spring day without getting wet. To Newton Blossomville where we made our way down the footpath towards the river, past the church and remains of the old watermill where I took a short clip of film from the footbridge. Its here:


Saturday, 10 May 2014

Kirk Deighton

 Coming to the end of a long journey today we stopped of to stretch our legs by the beautiful little All Saints Church at Kirk Deighton.

 We were a little disappointed that the church was locked but it’s to be expected these days what with all the ne’e-r do wells lurking around. Fortunately, two very nice ladies turned up to do a little cleaning in the church and let us in.

 We had a lovely chat during which we were told that a church had stood on this site for a thousand years. This is the sort of thing which surely reflects our national identity, an identity - sadly - that is changing faster than is good for us.

  Years on, if I ever need reminding of this church I will recall the engraved stone slab on the floor, the wording partly obscured by pews reading:

 "........52 years         Passenger, tread light! she sleeps"

 So poignant, made even more so by not having a name to remember her by.

 Thank you to Jane and Vickie, we both very much enjoyed our chat with you both.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Funny food....

It's a bit stupid sticking cloves on a bit of steamed cod roe but I hope you agree that it looks well dressed!

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Knurled adjusting knobs are frequently seen on engineering tools and optical instruments. The raised pattern allows for more of a grip when turning a knob and the pattern is known as a "knurl". These knurls are generally formed using a knurling tool fitted to an engineers lathe. I own a commercially made knurling tool like this:

 but it will not form a knurl as good as this:

So I decided to make one that would. Here it is:

I made it from scrap metal, the "arms" were made from a stainless steel cupboard handle. The only things I never made on it are the small patterned knurling wheels and the three screws holding down the keep plate (although I did dress and polish the heads on the screws). This version of a knurling tool is based on a design which was originally manufactured by a company called MARLCO and is considered to be the Rolls Royce of knurling tools. I believe the improvements I have incorporated into my tool make it superior to the MARLCO so I hope I might be excused for comparing it to a Lamborghini!

Overall length is almost seven inches and it weighs one kilo - a hefty tool.

 Doing a bit at a time I worked at it for maybe two months as I am in no rush these days. It gives me pleasure to reflect that at a day rate of say £15 an hour for a toolmaker, someone would need to take out a bank loan to buy my tool :-)